Behind-the-Billboard: Dallas Mavs Get In The Action with AR

Posted by Brooke Mori on Jun 5, 2019 8:00:00 AM

In a city commonly referred to as Cowboys' Country and inside a state whose slogan starts with “Everything’s bigger…”, the Dallas Mavericks knew they had to GO BIG to standout in the Dallas/Fort Worth market. Heading into the 2018-2019 season, they had a clear mission: To excite, inspire and unite communities through entertainment, service and memorable experiences, creating Mavs Fans for Life.

If you’ve ever attended a Dallas Mavericks game, you've seen firsthand how the entertainment inside the arena spans far beyond the basketball played on court. Each and every game is uniquely memorable for those in attendance with immersive experiences scattered throughout the entire stadium. But this year’s mission was to unite “communities,” and not just the fans inside the building. So, how did Clear Channel combine the Mavs' experiential marketing initiatives with their dominant OOH presence outside of the stadium? 

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Topics: Entertainment, OOH Capabilities, What We're Loving, Digital Billboards

A Toast to Universal Studios: Inducted Into 2019 OBIE Hall of Fame

Posted by Jennifer Hurley on May 22, 2019 11:29:32 AM

We're happy to share Universal Studios received the 2019 OBIE Hall of Fame Award last night at the 77th OBIE Awards ceremony at the ARIA Las Vegas. Universal Studios was chosen by the out-of-home advertising industry and the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), which established the OBIE Hall of Fame in 1992 to recognize brands that have built an enduring legacy through the consistent use of OOH advertising over many years and many, many standout campaigns.

Our CEO Scott Wells presented Universal Studios with the honor:

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Topics: What We're Loving

What We're Loving in OOH: Jon Snow, Ron Burgundy and Dumbo

Posted by Jennifer Hurley on Mar 21, 2019 3:30:00 PM

We're really, really pumped about the billboards we've spotted heating up the landscape across the country this spring. Naturally we love great outdoor creative, and we must confess we also love—the brooding, dark-haired, steely-eyed, "he's dead...he's not dead," never a zombie, always a hero—Jon Snow. Game of Thrones may be airing its final season, but their billboards will be forever immortalized.

Add the legend of Ron Burgundy, the fierce determination of Captain Marvel and the aerial wonders of Dumbo, and the spring batch of outdoor campaigns are scoring high with consumers. See these displays and more of What We're Loving  for your OOH cultural check:

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Topics: Entertainment, OOH Capabilities, What We're Loving, Digital Billboards

What We're Loving in OOH: Blindfolds, The Big Game and Joy Itself

Posted by Rainbow Kirby on Jan 24, 2019 8:00:00 AM

After the decorations and holiday lights were finally stowed...(wait, you don't still have your lights up, do you?), we hope you've caught up on your "To (Binge) Watch" list. It's about time you found out what all those people on YouTube walking around blindfolded with birds on their shoulders, walking into walls are doing—and what they've been watching. And then there are your neighbors tossing boxes out front, proclaiming "This doesn't bring me joy!" What's going on? Here's a hint, check out these displays in Times Square and more of What We're Loving for your OOH cultural check:

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Topics: Entertainment, OOH Capabilities, What We're Loving, Digital Billboards

What We're Loving in OOH: Holiday-Edition

Posted by Jennifer Hurley on Dec 21, 2018 8:00:00 AM

It's the most wonderful time of the year...there are bright lights, snowmen and reindeer  everywhere you turn, and billboards providing entertainment and seasonal cheer for frenzied commuters and last-minute shoppers on the go, go go.

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Topics: Entertainment, OOH Capabilities, What We're Loving, Digital Billboards

What We're Loving in OOH: Lady Gaga, AR and The Grinch

Posted by Jennifer Hurley on Nov 14, 2018 10:07:47 AM

For some, the thought of stowing the Halloween decorations and going full-on 'Santa and snowflakes mode' is just too much. They need more transition time. Don't fret, the terror isn't gone yet − we're sharing some of our scarier fall campaigns, and Mr. Grinch himself for those cringing at holiday music (too soon, too soon)!

There's nothing we love more than the creative geniuses that display their art on our billboards across the country. Check them out in these unskippable campaigns.

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Topics: Entertainment, OOH Capabilities, What We're Loving, Digital Billboards

Billboards Make Us Scream For Halloween

Posted by Jennifer Hurley on Oct 16, 2018 4:00:00 PM

With fall's arrival, it gets darker earlier, an eeriness lurks in the air, protruding skeleton bones emerge from lawns across your neighborhood, and creepy clowns are celebrated. Folks...this is Halloween.

Halloween is the third largest holiday in the U.S., following Christmas and the Super Bowl, and almost 80% of households are expected to make related purchases. With over 171 million Americans celebrating Halloween each year, there is a huge opportunity for your brand to utilize the largest creative canvas to elevate your seasonal message—and to share a little scare!

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Topics: What We're Loving, Holiday

Football Creative: Using OOH to Reach NFL Fans on the Move

Posted by Rainbow Kirby on Oct 11, 2018 3:00:00 PM

With unusually warm weather lingering across the country, the only thing making it feel like fall again − is football season!  Tailgating, trash-talking, high-fiving, Super Bowl-predicting fans dominate the chatter at the office, on social and in our very own kitchens, Thursday thru Monday. Ok, it's ALL THE TIME...up until the Big Game in Atlanta this February.

While you may think of NFL fans as glued to the screen, they're on the move:

  • 59% are more likely to have a daily commute of 30+ minutes
  • 52% are more likely to travel 500+ miles a week, and
  • 124% are more likely to take 3+ personal vacations a year (maybe they're checking off that stadium bucket list one by one?)

With 256 regular season games and over 17 million fans heading to stadiums each season, there is huge upside for advertisers to align themselves with game day. Whether your brand's focus is local or more of a national play, out-of-home is an unskippable medium that reaches consumers en route to the game, those picking up eats for their own turf, and those reliving every blissful touchdown during their drive the next morning. 

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Topics: Entertainment, Sports, What We're Loving

What We're Loving in Out-of-Home:  A Megalodon, Vodka and Tom Cruise

Posted by Rainbow Kirby on Aug 14, 2018 1:32:57 PM

Not since childhood have we been so terrified of the water, thanks to this haunting visual of summer fun that's about to turn horrifying. The Meg, is apparently not the nickname for the cute, friendly lifeguard at the neighborhood pool, but a prehistoric-sized creature that likes tubes, legs and all things made of flesh. Check out this adrenaline-boosting out-of-home creative that may make some weekend warriors change direction while en route to the beach:

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Topics: Entertainment, OOH Capabilities, What We're Loving, Digital Billboards

What We're Loving in OOH: June 2018

Posted by Jennifer Hurley on Jun 21, 2018 12:00:00 PM

Summer is here, and there's FUN everywhere you look. If you're one of those people experiencing FOMO if your calendar isn't packed with activities, or feel a sudden sadness when scrolling Insta and seeing you were the only one not riding an inflatable swan last weekend, don't fret -- it's only June.

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Topics: OOH Capabilities, What We're Loving, Travel & Tourism, Digital Billboards