Brooke Mori
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Behind-the-Billboard: Dallas Mavs Get In The Action with AR
In a city commonly referred to as Cowboys' Country and inside a state whose slogan starts with “Everything’s bigger…”, the Dallas Mavericks knew they had to GO BIG to standout in the Dallas/Fort Worth market. Heading into the 2018-2019 season, they had a clear mission: To excite, inspire and unite communities through entertainment, service and memorable experiences, creating Mavs Fans for Life.
If you’ve ever attended a Dallas Mavericks game, you've seen firsthand how the entertainment inside the arena spans far beyond the basketball played on court. Each and every game is uniquely memorable for those in attendance with immersive experiences scattered throughout the entire stadium. But this year’s mission was to unite “communities,” and not just the fans inside the building. So, how did Clear Channel combine the Mavs' experiential marketing initiatives with their dominant OOH presence outside of the stadium?
Topics: Entertainment, OOH Capabilities, What We're Loving, Digital Billboards