As road travel rebounds and tourist venues and attractions begin to reopen, Clear Channel Outdoor and Arrivalist, the leading geo-location intelligence provider for tourism-based measurement, have developed an innovative recovery solution to help hospitality brands reconnect with their consumers. The timing couldn’t be better, with more than half of all consumers planning to get away on a summer vacation this year.*
This new Clear Channel Outdoor innovation is part of the company’s continuing efforts to help brands rally on the heels of the COVID pandemic. This solution is designed to drive consumers to single site travel and tourism destinations and help ignite an economic recovery in the category. What’s exciting for these brands is this provides actionable audience insights as consumer travel patterns and behaviors continue to ebb and flow following the relaxing of shelter in place orders.
The first results are in, and they’re as outsized as an Out-of-Home (OOH) advertisement. In an “industry-first” accomplishment, the new Clear Channel Outdoor/Arrivalist partnership drove a 66% average increase in visits to one theme park among consumers who saw the billboard ads. Moreover, of those exposed to this OOH campaign, 36% of consumers visited the theme park for the day while 64% made overnight stays.
And leading tourism brands, like VISIT PHILADELPHIA, among others, are poised to leverage these capabilities.
That’s big.
Here’s how it works. CCO applies its RADARProof® attribution solution to the measurement of consumer visits to cities, hotels and tourist attractions based on OOH ad exposure. By integrating Arrivalist’s geo-location intelligence into RADARProof®, CCO can measure how a billboard, or other OOH ad, influences a consumer’s visitation to a city, state, entertainment attraction or other major travel destination.
RADARProof® offers the most comprehensive attribution analysis for tourism and hospitality brands by providing specific consumer insights including how far consumers are traveling, where they’re originally from, how long they’re staying, and, what time of day they’re traveling - all insights brands can leverage to measure and inform their future marketing initiatives.
Campaign Background: OOH Drives Visits to Theme Park Destination
The major theme park destination sought to increase visitation among local and regional consumers during off-peak fall and winter seasons. To develop the campaign planning and strategy, the brand used CCO’s RADARView® to select OOH displays that were more likely to reach theme park goers in two target DMAs and promoted key seasonal events for a 6-week period in the fall. For campaign measurement and attribution, the brand measured tourism visitation impact with RADARProof®, comparing audiences exposed to the campaign vs. those unexposed, throughout the remainder of the year.
Clear Channel Outdoor is committed to being the recovery partner brands need in these extraordinary times. We’re excited about this industry-first solution as well as all of the other innovations and insights we are bringing to brands to help power economic recovery. Come find out more here.
*study commissioned by the OAAA, and conducted by OnDevice Research, from May 22 through June 1, consisted of 1,000 online survey respondents, ages 18+, matched to national representation for age and gender.